History and Information for Davison Eagles Ladies Auxiliary
The Fraternal Order of Eagles Ladies Auxiliary is an international non-profit organization believing in Home, Country, God and Loyalty; united in carrying out the charitable, humanitarian, patriotic and other efforts to which the Fraternal Order of Eagles is dedicated. The Ladies' Auxiliary traces its roots back to 1927 and now there are more than 1,300 Auxiliaries with more than 250,000 members. The City of Flags Ladies Auxiliary proudly has over 600 members.
Proud sponsor of the "Davison Eagles Annual Scotch Doubles Bowling Tournament" in honor of Nanette Welch for the Kidney Foundation, McLaren Hospital.

Auxiliary Officers
Madam President
Evelyn Stewart
Madam Vice President
Stacy Goodar
Past Madam President
Tina Shephard
Madam Chaplain
Teri Webber
Madam Secretary
Becky Lefler
Madam Treasurer
Angie Rushlow
Madam Conductor
Maggie See
Madam Inside Guard
Raena Kalfayan
Madam Outside Guard
Sherry Garcia
Madam Trustee
Vicky Darnall
Madam Trustee
Brenda Rushlow
Madam Trustee
Leandra Swayne
Auxiliary Auditor
Traci Hook
Meeting Times
The Auxiliary Meetings are held on every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. New Member Initiation is held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month during the Auxiliary Meeting.
Special Announcements
Membership dues are due May 31st of each year. If not paid before July 1st, membership is dropped and re-enrollment requires that you re-join as a Welcome Back Brother (Sister for Auxiliary page) possibly forfeiting some benefits.
Davison Eagles Auxiliary 3589 is enrolled in the New Cash for Class Program.
Proud Benefactor
The Ladies’ Auxiliary is the backbone to the Davison Eagles charitable donations to organizations throughout our community and elsewhere in the United States. They are the epitome of our motto “People helping People”. The Ladies’ Auxiliary over the past thirty-eight years has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to benefit families and charities, a few of which are listed below:
McLaren Hospital Kidney Foundation | McLaren Hospice |
Logan’s Heroes Annual Cruise, the Phelan-Mcdermid Syndrome Foundation | Diabetes Research Center, Iowa University |
Scholarship Fund for Graduating High School Students | McLaren Hospital Diabetes and Kidney Foundation |
Whaley Home, Child Advocacy Center | Breast Cancer |
Davison Care & Share | Davison Community Schools, D.A.R.E. |
American Heart Association | Davison Outreach East |
Auxiliary Charter Members November 3, 1974
Adams, Susan E. | Goodar, Maxine M. | Procunier, Mazelle L |
Akers, Wilma L. | Gray, Barbara Ann | Rayburn, Elizabeth A. |
Anderson, Patrician | Grierson, Marjorie Dean | Rayner, Madeline K. |
Ash, Betty M. | Harlan, Eloise | Rich, Rosemary |
Badour, Dorothy T. | Hart, Esther M. | Ritter, Shirley A. |
Ballard, Glenda J. | Hartley, Dorothy C. | Rogers, Jane M. |
Ballard, Mildred | Haynes, Harriet L. | Ross, B. Jean |
Benson, Pamela M. | Jacobi, Joan G. | Ross, Wanda |
Bradford, Phyllis D. | Kennedy, Edna E. | Sayad, Gail M. |
Bradley, Marcia L. | Kennedy, Eloise A. | Sherbenaut, Wilma B. |
Butler, Mary L. | Keskes, Barbara A. | Slobodian, Rosemary J. |
Buysse, Janice M. | King, Marguerite L. | Smith, Euwelda S. |
Card, Patricia | LaGraff, Hazel | Smith, Katherine W. |
Carmean, Irene J, | Madden, Jane M. | Smith, Mary C. |
Carr, Kathleen J. | McPherson, Fern L. | Smith, Sandra Kay |
Caryl, Mary Ellen | Mescock, Sharon Lee | Smith, Susan A. |
Church, Ruth M. | Metzger, Linda E. | Sunday, Donna M. |
Compton, Elinor | Mills, Betty J. | Sunday, Jacqueline |
Cook, Elsie Jane | Murphy, Lorraine M | Swartz, Mildred L. |
Crim, Lila F. | Nowak, Janet L. | Swartz, Mildred M. |
Cummings, Liquori | Page, Anna M. | Taylor, Alma A. |
Deming, Anna M. | Panos, Betty J. | Van Valkenberg, Mary E. |
Diehl, Irene L. | Panos, Denise L. | Ward, Sharon L. |
DuFore, Bonnie L. | Panos, Thalia M. | Watts, Elaine F. |
Eagleson, Rose M. | Payne, Alyce J. | Weatherwax, Iris M. |
Ex, Dorothy G. | Payton, Donna M. | Westrand, Angela M. |
Ford, Dorothy L. | Perry, Shelley A. | White, Ann E. |
Frazier, June F. | Phillips, Audrey L. | Wiseman, Barbara S. |
Fritzler, Marian L. | Podeski, DawnK. | Wright, Vera E. |
Gleason, Ellen M. | Press, Thelma | Zudell, Andrea L. |