This is a post from Jeff Hull Grand Aerie Field agent:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
I pray that this message finds all of you and yours healthy and doing well during this COVID-19 crisis.
We are all in unchartered waters and there are a lot of unanswered questions that we all have. As with our Federal, State and local governments none of us on the Grand Aerie or State Fraternal Order of Eagles have ever had to deal with anything close to what all of us are going through at this time. I ask all to be patient and to practice all protocols to keep yourselves and others safe so that we can stop the spread of this virus and enjoy being together soon. The State and Grand Aerie are working to get any and all information to you as it becomes available. Please follow all local, state and federal orders that are, or become, mandates. When the dust settles from all of this the State and Grand Aerie will be working very hard to provide some sort of direction for all. We do not have all the answers and do not know when this will end, so patience will be very much appreciated as we all work to figure this out.
For all of us, as of now, the Grand Aerie has waived the bi-monthly meeting requirements and quarterly joint meeting requirements for Aeries who have been forced to close. All Aeries should still continue to pay the bills to the best of their ability and follow proper signature requirements. Please keep a list of expenditures and read at the next meeting when this all passes and we are up and running again. This is the month for nomination of Officers. From the Grand Secretary, Chuck Cunningham, there can be no nominations and elections until our Aeries can re-open and a notice sent out for nominations and elections to be held. Dues notices are still scheduled to be mailed out on March 30, April 29 and the final one on May 30th. We will have to wait and see what, if any, assistance our Aeries can receive from the stimulus package that is being put out to help in the loss of income during this shut down.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Please stay healthy and safe by practicing proper social distancing guidelines and the Michigan order regarding nonessential travel.
Thanks to my Brother Greg Hall for writing most of this post. Copy and paste is a good thing when the message is the same.
Jeff Hull
Grand Aerie FSM