
My turn!!! Ladies Auxillary we held a 911 officer's meeting on May 26 because we had to approve the purchase of our new stove for the hall. It is ordered & we cannot wait to see it in action!! We also had our nominations for officer's. The only office with opposition is Outdoor Guard so we will be having elections for that position on the day of our next scheduled meeting, tues. June 16th. Noon till 6:30pm.
Your Ladies Auxillary Officer's for 2020-2021
will be:
Madam President- Stacy Goodar
Past Madam Pres.- Marcy Fox
V.P.- Evelyn Stewart
Chaplin- D'Andrea Stinson
Secretary- Becky Lefler
Treasure- Teri Webber
Indoor Guard- Tina Shephard
Trustee's- Kathy Stevens, Debbie LeClair & Carrie Butterfield
The position voting on is Outdoor Guard-
Mary Sands and Holly Goodar.
Thank you to all the ladies for your dedication & commitment to making our Davison Eagles Proud!!
Your Madam President, Marcy Fox

