

Brothers & Sisters,

The last few weeks have been unlike any we have seen before due to the coronavirus crisis and as we continue to abide by the orders of our respective States and Provinces, we know that many of you have important questions about operations moving forward.

One of the primary concerns is in regard to local Aerie and Auxiliary Elections. Per the Grand Aerie Constitution & Statutes, Nominations are to be held annually at the last meeting in April. Obviously, this will not be possible for the majority of our Aeries and Auxiliaries this year.

Those that are still able to meet must proceed as outlined in the Constitution & Statutes. Those that cannot meet, by order of the Grand Worthy President, should proceed in the following manner:

• First meeting after re-opening: Nomination of Officers

• Second meeting after re-opening: Election of Officers

• At least 5 days after Elections: Installation of Officers

In the event a local Aerie or Auxiliary would like to expedite this process, they may do so only by following the Constitutional requirements regarding holding a Special Meeting, found in Section 72.2.

The format and voting time for your elections must follow what is outlined in your local Aerie or Auxiliary by-laws. All current officers will remain in their respective offices until your successor is duly elected and installed.

We’ve also received many questions and concerns regarding upcoming dues. The Grand Aerie has made the decision to cover the cost of the first dues reminder that is being sent out to all members who still have yet to renew. Local Aeries and Auxiliaries will NOT be charged anything for the first reminders.

At this point, the Grand Aerie remains committed to the May 31 dues deadline, with a 30 day grace period extending until June 30, and we will continue to monitor the situation in the coming weeks as things progress.

Lastly, we’ve heard from many people about the various small business loans being offered on the state and federal level in the wake of this crisis. We want to remind everyone to follow the word of the Constitution and Statutes regarding obtaining any financial assistance as an Aerie or Auxiliary, which means you would need the approval of your membership.

We know nothing about this delicate time is easy. Several of our fellow brothers and sisters have fought and continue to fight the coronavirus. Many more continue to serve on the frontlines as doctors, nurses, first responders, etc., to protect and heal those fighting the virus.

To all, we hope you and your families remain safe throughout this time and we can’t wait to see you all on the other side of this, stronger than we’ve ever been.


The Fraternal Order of Eagles Board of Grand Trustees

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Carl Burnett, Chairman Ron Malz, Grand Worthy President

