
At last night's Aerie meeting on Tuesday, June 9th, nominations for officer positions were held. Below are the results of those nominations. Thank you to all who served as officers the past year! We look forward to another great year!

We will have an election for two officer positions, Worthy Vice President & Outside Guard.

Worthy Vice President – Tony Stearns/Mark Winfield

Outside Guard – Kevin Stoutenburg/Kevin Thomas

Congratulations to these officers for the upcoming year :

President – Mike LeClaire

Junior Worthy Past President – Kurt Nowland

Chaplin – Chas Tower

Secretary – Craig Kotowicz

Treasurer – Stephen Brown

Conductor – Jerry Butterfield

Inside Guard – John Powers

Aerie Auditor – Gary Winfield

Trustees: Rex Sweers, Larry Fromwiller, Jeff Stevens, David Turton, David Uptegraff, Bob Peek, Scott Shephard

